Autosave grading scales/percentages for use each new grading period
Each grading term on Aeries, you have to type in your grading scales/ranges for an A, A-, B+, etc. It's a real pain in the ... fingers. It would be awesome if Aeries can set up an option in which you can save them forever and then just import them each time you create a new gradebook for a class. That's what's offered on Making the Grade, and I'm sure several other gradebook programs that are now extinct or becoming extinct because of Aeries.

Joe Johnson commented
Isn't this request handled by the 'Copy Gradebook' feature?
You create your gradebooks and set up all your Options, Categories, Final Marks, etc, then just use the 'Copy Gradebook' button rather than having to re-enter all that information for the next term if you use 'Mass Add Gradebooks'.
My teachers can create all 5 of their gradebooks in about 2 minutes making just minor changes to the course name/term and selecting a section.