Entering grade/score for last student on class roster - doesn't take!
When entering a grade for the last student on my roster, the student's score does not post unless I click on the student above. Can this be fixed?
This issue was fixed on the 2/5/16 Web version of Aeries
D McRae commented
YES, PLEASE this is very frustrating!
Phil Cliffe commented
I found this problem as well, but was able to get around it by hitting the enter key after each entry, including the last one.
The save event is triggered when the cursor leaves the box. If you enter a score and then simply exit your browser (close button) or close your laptop, or press the Home button on your iPad, the leave event is never triggered.
You should enter the score and then hit Tab or on the iPad, touch outside of that box so that the cursor leaves. THEN it will save.