Option to alphabetize Gradebook Rosters by First Name
Teams doesn't alphabetize by last name, so it would be nice to have the option to customize my class or gradebook rosters by first or last name, so that it matches with Teams.

Thom D commented
I learn my students' first names and their last initials, since that works best for me. But when I use student lists alpha'ed by last names, I have to jump around to enter data. Yes, provide sort by first names as an option, thanks!
Israel David McIntosh commented
Why is this still not a thing. It would be so easy to implement!
Ms. Chang commented
Yes please, alphabetizing Gradebook Rosters by first name would be so helpful!! Is this still an issue?
Mary commented
Some sites teachers use only sort students alphabetically by their first name. It would be very useful if Aeries had an option to sort students by their first name when entering scores into the gradebook.