First and Last Name in Seating Chart when printed
Show first and last name in seating chart report when printed instead of first name/last initial. On-screen it shows both names.

Anonymous commented
Currently Seating Chart creation app shows students' full first and full last names, but when I print the seating chart, the last names are shortened to just the initial of their last name.
Please change this so that: by default printing a seating chart shows the full last and full first names, because teachers need to know the last names of students.
Also, some students have the same first name and last name initial, which your system can't account for. -
tl commented
I have two kids with the same first name & last initial.
Joe Johnson commented
Teachers can print a seating chart by going to 'Attendance by Photo', clicking on the stack of pancakes on the upper right, "Print Current Seating Chart" which runs the report, then download and open the PDF to print. However, the PDF only has the first name and last initial, not the whole student name as shown on the Attendance by Photo seating Chart. Please allow us to print the whole student name on that report.
Kathryn Demerjian commented
I need last name!!!
Jennifer Suter commented
Is there any update on having last name display on the seating chart report. Seems like a small fix that has been an idea for 5 years now. How about giving this to your teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week
Heather Vernon commented
Seating Charts: Give teachers option to have full name on seating charts for contact tracing purposes. Right now they only displace first name (or alias) and the first letter of last name.
Having a way to print all seating charts at one time instead of printing each chart individually.
Anonymous commented
Allow for alpha by last name (not just first name) when setting up the seating chart. Maybe there could be an option to alpha by either first OR last name.
Anonymous commented
make this an option. I would like the option of choosing either print method as I typically have large classes and I need all of the room possible so a shortened last name works better sometimes :)