Assertive Discipline Report that aligns with CA Dashboard
Force default "Hide Inactives" on Course Data Page
Print or Export data from Portal Usage Log
Import Data
Ability to hide a "preferred name" and gender from parent accounts as well as hide email accounts due to name/gender change.
Prevent Data Loss During USYSGCOD
Data Validations Pop Up windows
Free and Reduced Management Page
GERR0005 - LEA does not have ownership of student enrollment to make the update · Completed
Update Master Schedule Data Validations to work with Flex Schools
Define required fields for DIS and CNF table
Data Confirmation - allow authorizations to be required even if only one option is available
Allow Parent Data Confirmation to be used to create a Dynamic Group for ParentSquare
Exclude record from SDEM flag for STF records
Student Preferred Name in Query
Medical Codes in Online Enrollment
The ability to create a counselor subgroup in Aeries Analytics
Support the Follett/Destiny API for pulling Fines and Pushing Payments
The Daily enrollment by Month report is not honoring a Query KEEP or SKIP.
Analytics Query Extended Field - Add Period Absences