Aeries Ideas
3059 results found
Data Validation - Assertive Discipline missing Victim and/or Witness
Create a data validation definition when an Assertive Discipline code contains any of the "Bully/Harass*" codes and is missing a victim or witness.
11 votes -
Red Flag on the College Entrance Requirements page
Allow Counselors to have access to red flags on the College Entrance Requirement page. Currently they need update permissions to the CER table.
15 votes -
Missing Assignments by Student
Print missing assignments from multiple gradebooks by student instead of by gradebook so each student gets one page listing all missing work instead of multiple shreds of paper.
154 votes -
Online Enrollment Language Choice Selection
Please move the language choice to the top of the opening page, so non-English-speaking parents can quickly find it without scrolling.
6 votes -
Authorizations Page - Add Filter Options
Please add filter options to the Authorizations Page so we may sort by Date and/or Open Authorizations or Permissions Granted.
11 votes -
Add the ability to Repeat Weeks in the Class Calendar
For Flex: When building a class calendar - add the ability to repeat weeks within the calendar (as we have in the Block Schedule calendar) to eliminate the tedious process of building an A/B concept - for example - in the class calendar. We would like options to range from 2 week up to 5 weeks.
The first advantage is that you can schedule your block days for a 2 week period - for example - and have that pattern copy through the calendar for each Flex Period.
We are asking for the option to be available for 2 weeks,…
3 votes -
Filter on Students for Printing Transcripts
From Trainers: When printing transcripts you cannnot filter for students. If you select the Grade Level option, it prints for all students in the grade level. We need to be able to find students and select student more efficiently so that we can print transcripts from the College Request Page. When the Print Transcripts button is selected, the user is re-directed to the Transcript Report Page - if you have 2000 students at a high school, you are required to scroll through the student list to select specific students to print the transcript for the college. We need to add…
3 votes -
Ability to add District Logo to Elementary Report Card
We would like to be able to add the district logo to our report card template
55 votes -
Expiration date for user group membership
Add a field in the UGP for a User to have an expiration Date on a Group to which they are attached.
An Example would be an Attendance Clerk stepping in as a Substitute for an Office Manager for a month. Add the Group with an Expiration date of that month away date.
2 votes -
Online Enrollment Admin - School Email Address Edit
In Online Enrollment Admin when entering email addresses for the school notification, it would be nice to be able to edit that field once it has been saved rather than having to delete the record and added it again updated.
33 votes -
Need a "Credits Earned for the Semester" report
We would like to see a report showing the credits the student earned for the semester. One total for the student (John Smith 17 credits) - not a number of credits for each subject. This will allow us to group the students that may be in jeopardy of graduating.
5 votes -
Document Uploads - Email Notifications
Set up an email notification to a specified user/email if documents are uploaded that require approval (i.e., documents from the portal document requests).
18 votes -
Security - User School Access - Inactive School Indicator
Please make the User School Access page show which schools are inactive by changing the font to red or yellow.
3 votes -
Teacher Attendance page ability to hide the "A" absent column
Currently the teacher attendance page can have the Tardy "T" and "P" column hidden by blanking out the absence code in portal options. Please do the same for the "A" absent columns.
16 votes -
Counseling - Put the Copy button at the top of page
When students have many counseling records, it would be nice if the copy button was at the top so we don't have to scroll to the bottom to find it.
9 votes -
Rubric Gradebooks - hide the percent % sign on the trend graph and Scores by pages.
On the trend graph and Scores by pages, hide the percent % sign if the gradebook is a Rubric based gradebook.
10 votes -
Add Green State Reporting Highlight to Adult Previous Indicator Field
When a school has the Dropout Recovery Campus Option (OPT.NM) selected on the School Options Page the Adult Previous Indicator (SSD.APA) becomes visible on the Secondary Student Data Page and should be highlighted in green to indicate this is a State Reportable Field.
1 vote -
Weekly Attendance Report by Class - Do not display Inactive Teachers
Weekly Attendance Report By Class - Inactive teachers are displaying on the Report Options page when filtering by Teacher. Do not display or add option to display Inactive Teachers
5 votes -
District Assets - Add filter by Type
Add the ability to filter districts assets by Type on the District Asset/Resources page. This would limit our librarians to just the textbook assets instead of the whole table.
15 votes -
Add an option to print Legal Student name on Grade Report Cards
When Student has Legal Student Name populated Please add an option to print Legal Student name on Grade Report Cards.
24 votes
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