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  1. NSLP Online Survey Provided by USDA

    The USDA has a new online survey for the free and reduced lunch application.

    If something like this could be added to Aeries, that would be a great benefit to our school district. My understanding is that the online survey needs to filter into an SIS system. We currently use the Income survey on our parent data confirmation, but that seems inadequate.

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  2. Lock Student and Parent accounts for Parent Data Confirmation

    If you choose to use lockout mode for Parent Data Confirmation have an option to also lock the associated student accounts so that students can't see their student portal until their parent has done the data confirmation.

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  3. Enable HTML for Portal Document Requests Descriptions

    The main description text for all document requests has a rich editor with html support, but the per-document request descriptions does not. We are collecting parent photos for on-campus badges at the elementary level and would like to put an example photo / link thereto in the specific document request item for these parent photos and not the main area that covers all document requests. thank you.

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  4. Military Survey Audit page and Query

    Enhance the functionality of Aeries Query to align better when querying the ICL table to provide same results that the Military Survey Audit page displays. Currently results can differ as Aeries query looks to a different ICL field than the Military Survey Audit page

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  5. Foster Survey Audit - Limit to eligible students

    The foster survey audit is listing both eligible and non-eligible students which creates an issue for the school sites trying to reject hundreds of records that will not need a special program record. It would be great if the non-eligible records did not display in the foster survey audit, just like the residency and military audits that only display eligible students.

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  6. Parent Data Confirmation Status Report Restricted Contact

    For Data Confirmation when a student has a restricted record to not show contacts when the parent does parent data confirmation they do not see the contacts tab but are able to complete parent data confirmation. For the Data Confirmation Status Report the student shows up on both reports. The Competed and incomplete report. Can you please consider updating the logic on the report so that students in such (admittedly rare) circumstances do not show up on the incomplete DC report?

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  7. Free and Reduced Survey Details

    In a recent Free and Reduce data audit, our auditors strongly suggested that in addition to the Free and Reduced record generated by the income survey, that the actual dollar amounts/brackets that the parent entered wAould be displayed as well. They mentioned that it would also be handy to have a page somewhere in Aeries that shows the current income guidelines that are in use in the backend. This way, it's a bit more transparent about what's going on in the code.

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  8. Parent Data Confirmation Translation in Spanish

    To have the Student Information tab on the data confirmation translated into Spanish?

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  9. Residence Survey Audit

    When a new Residence Survey Audit entry is created allow for a notification to be sent to staff as defined in Portal options similar to medical or address updates.

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  10. Parent Data Confirmation - Allow option to transfer to another school

    The Parent Data Confirmation currently does not follow the student if they change schools because of the possibility of different questions, authorizations etc.

    When a student changes schools, allow the Parent Data Confirmation records from ICL table to be copied to the new school. This will allow parents the ability to complete the process at the new school and finish where they left off. Many documents are Districtwide documents and are the same for each school.

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  11. Make a option for districts to set the Income Survey to be required step

    Would like to request an option for districts to be able to set the Income Survey to be the required step

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  12. Do not print student alias when parents Print Emergency Card from PDC

    We don't want parents to see student Alias names so we have the Parent Portal Group marked to restrict Alias fields in STU. However, when parents print the ER card as final step of PDC process, the Alias name is printing.

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  13. Create a seperate form in Data Confirmation for Parent Ed Level

    Create a form in the same style as the housing survey and income survey for Parent Ed level. It does not belong in the contact screen. It is cumbersome there and messy. A simple Parent 1 with a drop down and a simple Parent 2 as a drop down would be cleaner and easier for parents to complete.

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  14. Data Confirmation - two household indicators and confirmation requirements

    When a student lives in two households it needs to be indicated and the separate households should not be able to edit the other's contact information. The two households should both have to do data confirmation. Currently if one household completes data confirmation the other does not have the option to review any of the required documents.

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  15. Data Confirmation Alert

    It would be super helpful to have an alert pop-up on the Demographics (& possible also the Contacts) page if a family has not completed Data Confirmation. This would help office staff notice if a family has not completed Data Confirmation when the family is in the office or on the phone.

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  16. Option to hide student schedules from parents AND students until Parent Data Confirmation is complete.

    Currently schedules can be hidden from parents until Data Confirmation has been completed, however the schedule cannot be dynamically hidden from students at the same time.

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  17. Separate current Data Confirmation setup from the setup for the upcoming school year before NYR

    Separate current Data Confirmation settings from the setup for the upcoming school year. For districts that the NYR is only days before Data Confirmation for the new year starts - there isn't a lot of time to configure changes for all of the schools for the new year, and if we make the changes to text and AUT in the year that is ending - it may change / override important factors.

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  18. Generate an email to the parent when documents are successfully uploaded and a second one when the document is approved

    It would be helpful if parents received an email when they successfully uploaded requested documents and then staff could generate an other email when the documents are approved.

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  19. Parent Portal Change Request Email- Only 1 email be sent for address change

    Parent Portal - Change Request Notifications. We are getting multiple emails for the same change. It would be nice if only one email was sent out for any address change instead of multiple emails for any address field change.

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  20. Portal Document Groups under Update Code Table DCV.FG

    When creating Portal Document Groups under Update Code Table DCV.FG for the Code you can put in more than 3 characters, however, if you have more than 3 characters the documents will not save under the created Portal Document Group. You are able to move a document and it will show under the Portal Group name, however, once you refresh or navigate away and come back the document would go back to the top where it was. You should not be able to put in more than 3 characters if it will not work if you have more than 3…

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